This is going to be my New Year’s resolutions/things I’d like to do list for the new year, in no particular order:
- lose some weight. ideally about 40 lbs but in reality, anything would be good. shooting for at least 25 lbs
- take more photos. not just of the family, but of the world in general.
- finish (restart) that novel I’ve been working on for the past decade.
- clear out some of the toothbrushes in our bathroom. there are four of us, but seven toothbrushes. that doesn’t seem to add up.
- join a gym (or something like that) so I actually have to leave the house. and have to exercise.
- throw out all of those socks with holes in them. and maybe my boxers with holes as well. and t-shirts too I guess.
- eat better. less soda and sugary snacks and more water and healthy snacks.
- take the Hybrid to a soccer game since I have been promising to take him to a game since, oh I don’t know, he was five maybe.
- not spend money of frivolous things. I need to spend it on good things, like a gym. and new socks and boxers and t-shirts.
- not let people and circumstances get to me. try to have more patience. keyword: try.
- do some more DIY projects around the house. because things need work.
- blog more stuff. get this thing going. maybe add a youtube channel of me doing DIY stuff around the house. because people need to laugh.
- more together family time.
- more haikus.
- get the battery of my watch replaced. it’s only been about 6 months. give or take.
- less of the facebook. much less. nothing of real emergency happens there so I shoud be able to lower the time I’m on it.
- convince Hyrbid 2 that I really am Batman.
- learn how to prioritze better.
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